Plug-in the Ethernet, Power Supply, and Keyboard to the Pi and then plug the power adapter into the wall. When you reach the login screen login with the default credentials
Username: pi
Password: raspberry
Run ‘sudo raspi-config’
Change Keyboard Layout
Scroll down to ‘Localisation Options’ and press ‘Enter’
Scroll down to ‘Change Keyboard Layout’ and press ‘Enter’
Scroll down to ‘Other’ and press ‘Enter’
Scroll down to ‘English (US)’ and press ‘Enter’
Scroll to the very top to ‘English (US)’ and press ‘Enter’
Hit ‘Enter’ to accept the defaults on the next two screens, since they don’t apply.
When you get past the last two steps you will be returned back to the main menu.
Enable SSH
Scroll down to ‘Interfacing Options’ and press ‘Enter’
Scroll down to ‘SSH’ and press ‘Enter’
Scroll to ‘Yes’ and press ‘Enter.’
On the next screen, press ‘Enter’ to go back to the main menu.
When you’ve reached the main menu, scroll to the right and select ‘Finish,’ then press ‘Enter’
When back at the terminal, run ‘sudo reboot now’ to enable the configured settings.